Configuration - System - Import

Reservations made in another application or registered in another way can be imported into i-Reserve. The reservations to be imported must be included in an Excel or CSV file before import.

Click Import Reservations to import reservations. If reservations have been imported previously, these import definitions are in the list. This can be used for the new import.

If there is no import definition available yet or an existing definition does not apply to this import, a new import definition must be created.

Click Next and provide a name for the import definition, click the +Upload file button to upload the reservations file. Please note that this file is in CSV or Excel .xlsx (the .xls format is not supported) format. The green bar indicates that the upload was successful.

Click Next. Specify the number of lines in the file that can be skipped during import. When importing an Excel file you can specify the worksheet that should be imported.

Click Next. In this step, indicate in which fields of a reservation the data from the columns of the file should be placed. Columns that do not need to be imported can be skipped. An additional action can be created per column to be imported by clicking +Add action. Click +Add rule and select the desired action.

Click Nextafter all columns have been linked to a target field. Controls can be set before importing. Specify the desired method for finding/adding customers whose names contain the reservations to be imported. The reservations that are imported can be linked to existing customers to prevent duplicate customers from being entered in i-Reserve.

Click Next and check the details. Click Saveif the number of lines matches the lines to be imported.

The overview shown shows the new import with the status of the import and the number of lines to be imported. Refresh the page to see if the import was successful, the import now has a status of done.


The intention is of course that a reservation is placed on the correct object or package. There are 4 control variables for this.
Create a column in the import file for one of these names (no more and no less than one choice) and make sure it is filled with existing values:

  • [res_obj_id] The ID of the object. A "hard" coupling. The ID must exactly match the Object ID
  • [res_com_id] The ID of the arrangement. A "hard" coupling. The ID must exactly match the Combi ID
  • [obj_name] The name of the object. A search will search for all objects with that name and the first of these will be used.
  • [com_name] The name of the arrangement. A search is performed to find all arrangements with that name and the first of these is used.

The system recognises the column headings. Therefore column headings do not count towards the number of ignored lines

Please note: The larger the file that is to be imported the longer it will take.

Wordt er data geïmporteerd? We adviseren dan om gebruik te maken van de datumnotatie: YYYY-MM-DD. Andere datumnotaties proberen we zoveel mogelijk te ondersteunen maar geven wellicht niet het gewenste resultaat.

Importing reservations is done "flat". Only the basic attributes of reservations can be imported.
This means that things like options, participants and extra questions *cannot* be imported.
The import process is intended more for blocking the agenda than completely transferring (complex) reservations.