
As a customer working with i-Reserve, you are able to make use of the Teqa Helpdesk. Via support tickets you can submit a question, a request or notify us of a possible malfunction or bug. This can be done in two ways:

1. Create a Support Ticket online

The advantage of creating an online support ticket is that you can select relevant information via simple selection fields. In addition, working with support tickets has the advantage of organising all of your tickets in one overview. You can see the status of each ticket and can easily and quickly respond to current tickets.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your support account (or first create an account via ‘Register’)
  3. Click on ‘Create a ticket’ and follow the instructions below under the heading 'What information do we need?'.

2. Create a Support Ticket (mail) from within your own e-mail program

You can send your question or request to the Teqa helpdesk from any e-mail program.

  1. Address your e-mail to
  2. In the ‘Subject’ field write a brief description of your question or request.
  3. In the content of your mail, follow the instructions described below under the heading ‘What information do we need?’.

What information do we need?

The advantage of creating an online support ticket is that you can select relevant information via simple selection fields. In addition, working with support tickets has the advantage of organising all of your tickets in one overview. You can see the status of each ticket and can easily and quickly respond to current tickets.

The following information is essential:

  1. Type
    Is it a malfunction (storing), bug, question (support), feedback, or request (for additional work/meerwerk or improvement/verbetering)?
  2. Priority
    Select a priority (Low, Medium, or High). This gives us an indication of the tickets’ importance and the speed at which it should preferably be resolved. A bug or malfunction will always have a high priority. For questions and requests it will depend on your own interpretation: can you continue working with the application for the meanwhile, or does the issue prevent you from using the system at all? Upon receipt of your support ticket, the proposed priority will be assessed and may be adjusted by us.
  3. i-Reserve version (versie)
    Which version of i-Reserve is currently being used in your environment? The version number is displayed in the footer - both on the frontend (customer dialog) as well as on the backend (admin panel), for example: i-Reserve version 4.68 (build: 14530.37)
  4. Environment (Omgeving)
    What is the url of your i-Reserve environment ? For example:
  5. For Type = support (question)
    Please describe your question and add one or more supporting screenshots for clarification. Where applicable, answer as best as possible the following questions:
    • Does your question relate to the front or backend?
    • What is the url of the PAGE to which your question relates?
    • What user are you logged into the backend as?
    • Do you want help in the form of an explanation/advice? If so, do you want explanations by mail, by telephone, or via a remote session?
    • Do you want us to implement certain settings for you?
  6. For Type = feedback
    When you give feedback, you give your opinion about a particular item in i-Reserve. By providing feedback you help improve our system. Where possible we shall take these opinions into consideration. In the backend we have built a Feedback Button with which you can quickly share with us your opinion about a particular part (screen) in i-Reserve. By clicking on the Feedback Button a popup opens where you can indicate what you like and/or what could be improved. In this case, the url of that page and other relevant information is automatically sent to our Helpdesk. Note that giving feedback is not the same as asking a question or requesting an improvement!
  7. For Type = request for additional work (meerwerk) or improvement (verbetering)
    A request includes more than just one single support question. Consider, for example, asking for assistance with the setup/configuration of your system or requesting user lessons in the form of a workshop. Perhaps even a request to take care of the design and styling of the Frontend (customer dialog)? Such requests fall under the type ‘Meerwerk’ (additional work). A request of the type ‘Verbetering’ (improvement) most often concerns a request for adapting or extending the existing functionality of your current system.
    In both cases (telephonic) contact will be made with you in order to agree and co-ordinate the possible execution of your request. We will also provide a time estimate for the proposed work which must be agreed upon before the request can be carried out
    When you submit a request for additional work or improvement, it is important to describe your request as clearly as possible - with or without relevant screenshots. Answer as far as possible (and where applicable), the following questions:
    • Does your request relate to the front or backend?
    • What is the url of the page to which your request relates?
    • Is there a deadline / delivery date by which time your request should preferably be actioned?
  8. For Type = malfunction (storing) or bug
    A malfunction or bug affects the functionality of i-Reserve. If you are unable, or partly unable, to carry out your work in i-Reserve, it is important that you try to answer as many of the following questions as possible. This helps us to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
    • Which user are you logged in as?
    • On which page (url) does the fault occur?
    • Are you receiving an error message? If yes, then which one? (copy and paste the full text of the error message or make a screenshot)
    • During the performing of what action, does the fault occur? Creating a customer, saving, deleting a reservation etc. If possible please send one or more screenshots for clarification.
    • Does the fault occur for all customers / all reservations, or only for specific customers / specific reservations etc ?
    • What steps did you just go through that resulted in the fault occurring?
    • How long has this problem been occurring for?
    • Does the problem occur only in a specific browser or also in other browsers?
    • Is the browser ‘clean’ of all cookies? Is it your browsers firewall settings causing the issue?
    • Have you or another user recently changed any settings? If so, did the problem also occur before this change or only since this change?
    • When the issue arose, what result were you expecting to get and what result did you actually get?
    • When would you like an answer and/or solution? Give us a time indication so that we can plan our work. An important consideration here is whether you are able to still continue using i-Reserve in the meanwhile, versus not being able to use the application at all.

Maak een nieuw ticket aan voor nieuwe (niet aan een ticket gerelateerde) vragen of verzoeken. Dit werkt niet alleen sneller maar is ook overzichtelijker, zowel voor jezelf als voor ons!

Stuur één of meerdere screenshots als bijlage met je ticket mee. Dit kan je vraag, verzoek of melding verduidelijken!

Gebruik de Feedback Button in het beheerpaneel alleen voor het geven van feedback en dus niet voor het stellen van een support vraag!